Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Vindaloo Vegetables

Great. This dish was spicy! It had really interesting layers of spice and heat that would build up. It was so good. I think it was the very first thing I made in my new slow cooker, too. I highly recommend making this dish. I love that it's so easy and it's flexible, too. You can put all kinds of veggies in here and it will still work. This is also a good dish to introduce someone to cauliflower in a way that isn't that mushy, steamed junk so many of us were served as children. This dish was lovely and the only thing stopping me from making it more is all the new recipes I want to try...

Total Calories: 1321
Makes: About 7 cups
Cooking Time: 6 hours on low
Find It: On page 80 of Fresh from the Vegetarian Slow-Cooker
Taste: Spicy and excellent.

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